Drupal is made possible by a very diverse group of people around the globe using a huge variety of skills including but not limited to user experience design, project management, development, planning, testing, bug reporting, performance analysis, integration, triage, event organization, marketing, session recording, photography, translations, book authoring, and the list goes on and on. Some examples:

  • Translators — Are you good in a written language other than English? We need you!
  • Content Strategists — Want to work on reorganizing the documentation and improving the content quality? We need you!
  • Project Managers — You want to bring forward certain initiatives and know how to build a team with different expert skill sets and how to facilitate the progress? We need you!
  • Marketeers — You have ideas for advancing the promotion of Drupal and need a team? And you are good at sharing your strategy insights? We need you too!

And that is just for starters! If you have ideas on how to contribute, participate in our contribution opportunities.