Thank you for your interest in helping to resolve bug reports in the Drupal project!


Working on issues

Remember that the first thing you should do is comment on an issue to after reading the issue metadata (Status) to mention what you are working on regarding the issue. If this is a new issue, then you should mention you are doing issue triage.

BugSmash Slack Emoji Reference

We work via threads in the #bugsmash Slack channel. We're using the following conventions for emojis to start a thread to flag it for various tasks:

  • 🚑 (:ambulance:) Looking for help.
  • ♻️ (:recycle:) Looking for a review swap.
  • 🎯 (:dart:) Proposal for something to target.
  • ❓ (:question:) Looking for answers (second opinion on a triage or scope decision, clarification on a policy, etc).

Other Slack conventions / etiquette:

  • ✅ (:checkbox:) If you resolve a thread, go back and edit the original post to add a checkbox to the front so everyone knows it's solved.
  • Use ➕ (:heavy_plus_sign:) and ➖ (:heavy_minus_sign:) to vote on proposals.